Book meme
I found this book meme on a blog, and just had to do it! Here goes!
1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fifth sentence
3. Post the text of next 3 sentences on your blog
4. Name of the book and the author
5. Tag three people
A while ago, we met a single mother with two little boys and one little girl. She used a different strategy for dealing with restaurant rampages. Susie was having a very bad evening, so bad that she began spreading mashed potatoes into her hair and yelling "Yucky Tatoes, Yucky Tatoes".
This book is Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood by Jim Fay & Charles Fay PhD. (Go figure).
I Tag Dawn, Dena and Gina!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A, B, C, D, E, F . . .Sing play along now.
A - Age: 35
B -Band listening to Right now--None
C - Career future: Have to wait and see (when Jaxon is in school)
D - Dad's name: Gerald and Gene
E - Easiest person to talk to: Jill
F - Favorite song: I have too many to name
G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears
H - Hometown: Newcastle, Wy
I - Instruments: I can play Piano and Saxophone
J - Job: Pediatric Home Health Nurse
K - Kids: Jaxon
L - Longest car ride ever: 9 hour car ride with Jaxon (6months) Tanner (18 months) and Jada (4) They all cried for a large portion of the trip!!
M - Mom's name: Judy
N - Number of Nieces & Nephews: 5
P - Phobia[s]: Is there a phobia for losing your child? That would be mine!
Q - Quote: C'est La Vie (This is life)
R - Reason to smile: Jaxon's first Christmas
S - Song you sang last: It's A Marshmallow World
T - Time you wake up: Whenever Jaxon does (usually between 7-9)
U - Unknown fact about me: I hate possums!
V - Vegetable you hate: Lima Beans
W - Worst habit: being messy
X - X-rays you've had: I've had Cancer . . enough said!
Y - Yummy food: Prime Rib
Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus
Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
Christmas Tree
Friday, December 08, 2006
Pity Party!
Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I hate about my world right now!!
(borrowed from Dena, cuz I can relate)
1. NO Money, Need MO Money!
2. Fighting with Brady!
3. Still Sick!
4. Work 3 in a row with NO relief for SLEEP!
5. Fighting with Brady (yep, still bugs me)
6. Tired . . . too much so to truly appreciate my day with Jaxon!
7. My House is a MESS!
8. Time for me? What is that? I don't even get time to sleep!
9. Brady is a SLOB!
10. Don't even have Christmas Decorations up! Been Sick, haven't had time to do it myself
11. I am the only one who cares that we have no Christmas Decorations up!
13. We are going to try for Baby #2--dreading the anticipated disappointment every time nothing happens!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Laryngitis Sux!!
I have not had a voice for 3 days! I have lost my voice before, but it is absolutely horrid this time! Never before has my voice been as important as it is now! I hadn't realized just how important it is these days! I can't read stories to Jaxon and most importantly I can't sing to him! He loves it when I sing to him, therefore I usually sing A LOT! I sing to him to calm him down while getting him dressed, I sing to him when I am putting him to sleep, I sing fun songs throughout the day, and I sing to keep him calm in the car! It really bothers me that I can't sing our songs. I did read him a couple of little books, and he smiled SO big! I know he misses my voice and there is nothing I can do about it!!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Most Coveted Toy!
Long Lost Dream!

Wow! I found this on ebay last night while feeding Jaxon! It brings back such good memories of childhood and Christmas! I had one just like this! There is truly nothing you can't find on Ebay! If only my pocketbook was as deep as the endless possibilities there! I would absolutely love to spend some time with my beloved townhouse and countless other toys from my childhood! I challenge you to find a pic of your favorite childhood toy and share it!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
3x Thursday
Random 1.
What kind of mattress do you like to sleep on? Hard, soft, medium, etc. Does it matter to you? Why/why not? I like to sleep on a really soft mattress! I want my bed to feel like I am sleeping on a cloud. The perfect bed has those water tubes with a pillow top and a feather bed on top of that with a down comforter to cover up with! Dreamy!
Random 2.
Is your mode of transportation (motorcycle, car, bike, scooter, etc) reliable? Do you ever have much trouble with it? I have a new Nissan Quest (mini-van) and it is reliable! It better be cuz we have only made 1 payment on it!
Random 3.
What kind of relationship do you have with your boss? Is it strictly business, or can you just hang out with them if you want to? I have lots of bosses! I work in home health, so the families I work for are my bosses and I also have a nursing supervisor. I don't know my nursing supervisor very well, but I do feel like I can hang out with the parents of the children I take care of. They are all really neat people and have taught me a lot about life!
Bonus Question for Comments:
Do you like your house/apartment/room/whatever? Got any complaints? I do like my house! It has it's problems, but it is my home and therefore my comfort zone! We need a new heater, better insulation, and it more storage space, but who doesn't need more space?!
Random 1.
What kind of mattress do you like to sleep on? Hard, soft, medium, etc. Does it matter to you? Why/why not? I like to sleep on a really soft mattress! I want my bed to feel like I am sleeping on a cloud. The perfect bed has those water tubes with a pillow top and a feather bed on top of that with a down comforter to cover up with! Dreamy!
Random 2.
Is your mode of transportation (motorcycle, car, bike, scooter, etc) reliable? Do you ever have much trouble with it? I have a new Nissan Quest (mini-van) and it is reliable! It better be cuz we have only made 1 payment on it!
Random 3.
What kind of relationship do you have with your boss? Is it strictly business, or can you just hang out with them if you want to? I have lots of bosses! I work in home health, so the families I work for are my bosses and I also have a nursing supervisor. I don't know my nursing supervisor very well, but I do feel like I can hang out with the parents of the children I take care of. They are all really neat people and have taught me a lot about life!
Bonus Question for Comments:
Do you like your house/apartment/room/whatever? Got any complaints? I do like my house! It has it's problems, but it is my home and therefore my comfort zone! We need a new heater, better insulation, and it more storage space, but who doesn't need more space?!
Monday, November 27, 2006
One Word MeMe--borrowed from Dena
You can only type one word. No explanations
Yourself: kind
Your Partner: smartass
Your Hair: wet
Your Mother: giving
Your Father: improving
Your Favorite Item: cell
Your Dream Last Night: none
Your Favorite Drink: pepsi
Your Dream Car: porsche
Your Dream Home: cabin
The Room You Are In: living
Your Ex: broken
Your Fear: loss
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: Wyoming
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Kylee
What You’re Not: singer
Muffins: cranberry
One of Your Wish List Items: TV
Time: night
The Last Thing You Did: bathe
What You Are Wearing: pajamas
Your Favorite Weather: winter
Your Favorite Book: Outlander
Last Thing You Ate: blizzard
Your Life: wonderful
Your Mood: content
Your Best Friends: Jill
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: friends
Your Car: Quest
What Are You Doing At The Moment: nursing
Your Summer: exciting
Relationship Status: married
What Is On Your TV: football
What Is The Weather Like: rainy
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: tonight
Yourself: kind
Your Partner: smartass
Your Hair: wet
Your Mother: giving
Your Father: improving
Your Favorite Item: cell
Your Dream Last Night: none
Your Favorite Drink: pepsi
Your Dream Car: porsche
Your Dream Home: cabin
The Room You Are In: living
Your Ex: broken
Your Fear: loss
Where You Want to be in Ten Years: Wyoming
Who You Hung Out With Last Night: Kylee
What You’re Not: singer
Muffins: cranberry
One of Your Wish List Items: TV
Time: night
The Last Thing You Did: bathe
What You Are Wearing: pajamas
Your Favorite Weather: winter
Your Favorite Book: Outlander
Last Thing You Ate: blizzard
Your Life: wonderful
Your Mood: content
Your Best Friends: Jill
What Are You Thinking About Right Now: friends
Your Car: Quest
What Are You Doing At The Moment: nursing
Your Summer: exciting
Relationship Status: married
What Is On Your TV: football
What Is The Weather Like: rainy
When Is The Last Time You Laughed: tonight
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Holiday Time Meme
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?BOTH
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just set them under the tree?Santa's favorite part is setting up the presents and playing with them a little bit!
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?both!
4. Do you hang mistletoe? Yes, it is fun!
5. When do you put up your decorations?the day after Thanksgiving, but not this year! I work all weekend!
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?Mashed Potatoes
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Christmas Morning breakfast! We always have breakfast casserole and swedish tearing
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? Last year when I read the biography of Santa Claus--I learned a lot of new things about him!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?Yes, after church.
10. What kind of decorations are on your tree? lots of halmark ornaments and ornaments from my childhood
11. Snow! Love it or dread it? I love it and can't wait to be in Wyoming for Christmas where there is LOTS of snow!!
12. Can you ice skate? Yes, and I love it--When Jaxon gets a little (okay a lot) bigger, I am going to buy a portable ice rink they have in Leaps & Bounds!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Barbie Townhouse!
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?being with my family
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Pecan Pie & Sugar Cookies
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? My Grandma had China in every pattern from Lenox and everybody got to pick their place setting for Christmas dinner
17. What tops your tree? An Angel
18. Which do you prefer? Giving to people I care about and that will be excited about the gifts I buy--I hate buying for greedy people & people who don't appreciate the effort I put into their gift!
19. What is your favorite Christams song?Frosty the Snowman?
20. Candy canes: Yuck or yummy?YUMMY
Raider Game!

I got to go to my very first Raider game last Sunday! They didn't win, but they stayed in the game! I got to walk down to the first row in the stadium before the game and watch them practice, and even got to see Al Davis up close! I really enjoyed it and was one of 2 loud cheering Raider fans in my section. There were other fans, but none of them cheered very loud! I was a little bit surprised!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; Do not merely look out
I truly love this verse! It describes my philosophy on life completely. Not that I am able to live by this all the time, but it is what I strive for. With Jaxon, this is easy! I find myself not only wanting to put his wants, needs and desires before mine, but enjoying it! My life has become making him happy, by not only spending time with him, but looking for ways to make his life more enjoyable. I want him to have everything. I want him to have the nicest most comfy clothing, the best toys that are fun and aid in his development, and anything and everything that will either be enjoyable for him or aid in his growth and development! It is so exciting for me to think of all of the fun times we will hopefully have together as he grows. Along with the intense love I have for this incredible little boy, I also have anxiety about his safety ALL the time. In talking with my friends with children, I realize this in normal, but totally unexpected. I realize how detrimental it would be if I were to lose him. I worry about how I would survive without him, and this makes me realize just how horrific of an experience it is for people who have lost a child. Back to the topic--This verse came from a blogger's entry that started with the question "How do you say goodbye to somebody that you will never see again" WOW! What a scarey question! If it were anybody but Jaxon, I would let them know how important they are to me, and I would have to share some of the reasons, and some of the most special memories I have with the person. If it were Jaxon, it would be much more in depth than that. I am going to assume I was the person that was leaving this world for good (I can handle that a little bit better). I would leave lots of video messages for various occasions in his life, I would leave him birthday card and presents for every year, Christmas presents, too and lots of letters to go with milestones in his life. I would want him to have a little piece of his Mom with him on these occasions. Not because I am being selfish, but because I know how important my Mom is to me, and I know how much I would treasure a letter or gift from her if she were unable to be there to share my life with me!
Friday, November 03, 2006
My 5 favorite things
Monday, October 30, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Life Has Changed!

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Most Interesting Dream
I want to share one of the most interesting dreams I ever had. In my dream, I was a young teenage girl living sometime in the 1800's. I was wearing a long printed cotton dress and black boots wtih funny fasteners on them. I was at a church event with my mother and several siblings. The church was one large room with a very high vaulted ceiling. There were lots of adults and children running around and there was a large table in the center of the room where a meal was being served. I was running around playing with the children, when I decided it would be fun to show the kids how I could fly. In order for me to fly, I had to focus really hard and make myself feel giddy-happy, and then I could take off and fly around the room. All of the kids thought it was really neat. I tried to give the little kids rides while I flew, but was unsuccessful. I was not able to keep the giddy-happy feeling while giving them rides because of concern for their safety. My mother caught me flying and kept trying to pull me down. She was very upset because people would think I was a witch (which was very serious at that time). What a bizarre dream!! I really felt like somebody else in another time period . . . WHAT does this dream mean???
Thursday, September 28, 2006
September 28th is Ask a Stupid Question Day
Today is the day for everybody to ask "Does your baby sleep through the night?". I really don't understand why people care, and what difference it makes in the general scheme of things! I think that is a stupid question. If your baby does sleep through the night you get a "great" and if your baby doesn't you get a "BIG SIGH". I get a "BIG SIGH" which is a failing grade for Jaxon--and he doesn't deserve a failing grade. He is a super good baby! He just needs his Mommy during the nifght--that and his middle-of-the-night milk!
Today is the day for everybody to ask "Does your baby sleep through the night?". I really don't understand why people care, and what difference it makes in the general scheme of things! I think that is a stupid question. If your baby does sleep through the night you get a "great" and if your baby doesn't you get a "BIG SIGH". I get a "BIG SIGH" which is a failing grade for Jaxon--and he doesn't deserve a failing grade. He is a super good baby! He just needs his Mommy during the nifght--that and his middle-of-the-night milk!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
“In the world’s rich nations,
more than 20,000 children will
die from injuries in the next
twelve months.”
Injury is the principal cause of child death in all developed nations –
accounting for almost 40 per cent of deaths in the age group 1 to 14.
Taken together, traffic accidents, intentional injuries, drownings, falls,
fires, poisonings and other accidents kill more than 20,000 children
every year in the OECD nations.
Sweden, the United Kingdom, Italy and the Netherlands occupy the
top four places in the league table of child injury deaths. At the
bottom of the league are the United States and Portugal, where the
rate of child injury deaths is over twice the level of the leading
countries, and Mexico and South Korea where the rate is three to
four times higher (Figure 1).
Boys are 70 per cent more likely to die by injury than girls.
Traffic accident deaths account for 41 per cent of all child deaths by
There is a need for a better ‘fit’ between research findings and current
practice in injury prevention strategy.Many proven strategies for
injury prevention are inadequately implemented.
Furthermore, injury deaths are but the mortality tip of a
morbidity iceberg; for every injured child who dies, many
more live on with varying degrees and durations of
disability and trauma.
Safety, Safety, Safety!!! This is so scary to me. I worry so much about Jaxon!
more than 20,000 children will
die from injuries in the next
twelve months.”
Injury is the principal cause of child death in all developed nations –
accounting for almost 40 per cent of deaths in the age group 1 to 14.
Taken together, traffic accidents, intentional injuries, drownings, falls,
fires, poisonings and other accidents kill more than 20,000 children
every year in the OECD nations.
Sweden, the United Kingdom, Italy and the Netherlands occupy the
top four places in the league table of child injury deaths. At the
bottom of the league are the United States and Portugal, where the
rate of child injury deaths is over twice the level of the leading
countries, and Mexico and South Korea where the rate is three to
four times higher (Figure 1).
Boys are 70 per cent more likely to die by injury than girls.
Traffic accident deaths account for 41 per cent of all child deaths by
There is a need for a better ‘fit’ between research findings and current
practice in injury prevention strategy.Many proven strategies for
injury prevention are inadequately implemented.
Furthermore, injury deaths are but the mortality tip of a
morbidity iceberg; for every injured child who dies, many
more live on with varying degrees and durations of
disability and trauma.
Safety, Safety, Safety!!! This is so scary to me. I worry so much about Jaxon!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Another Idea taken from Dena's Blog!

Appetizer: What was the very last song you listened to?
I do not recall, but I was in my car with Jaxon. It may have been his CD.
Soup: What is one company/store/corporation you would recommend that people stay away from?
I don't really know of one right now!
.Salad: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how much do you enjoy having your picture made?
Oh, I don't mind getting a good picture of me, so I suppose 5, because I hate bad pictures of me!
Main Course: Besides a bookmark, what is something you've used to keep your place in a book?I use toe book jacket a lot, but have used a piece of paper lots of times
Dessert: Name a food that you like that most people don't.
I LOVE Sushi, and the general concensus around here is that it is a big YUK!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
This Week will be Hawaii

1. I love the beautiful beaches! The sand is almost white, and the water is crystal blue!
2. I love the beautiful trees! Palm trees, banyon trees, and plumeria trees to name a few!
3. I love the Geckos! They are so little and oh so very cute, and they run about everywhere!
4. I love the Weather! It is cool in the morning, and nice and warm in the afternoon! There is also lots of rain in between.
5. I love the Macadamia Pancakes & Cocomut Syrup! They are to die for! I ate them almost every morning I was there.
6. I love the Macadamia Nut Ice Cream! It is a Haagen Daz product, and only available in a few areas in the world (so I can't get it here)!
7. I love the Warm Water! It is awesome, because it isn't so cold like the coast of California.
8. I love the fresh seafood! Mahi Mahi
9. I hate that it is so far away! It takes 6 hours to get form CA to Hawaii, and that is one LONG time in a little bitty airplane seat that sits straight up!
10. I hate that it is so expensive to get there! What a drag that it takes about a thousand bucks per person before you consider spending money!
11. I hate that I don't live there! I really would like to move there someday, or tomorrow!
12. I love the fresh fruit! Mangos, Pineapples, coconuts--yummy, yummy!
13. I love themixed drinks--the Mai Tai's and Pina Colada's were out of this world!
So Jealous it Hurts!

I got a phone call from my Dad today, and he made me so jealous it hurts and will probably continue to hurt for a very long time. I am not a jealous person, but when he called me from the beaches of Hawaii, I turned green with envy! I don't know if anybody will miss me, but one day, I WILL live in that beautiful state. If Brady was willing, I would be working on it now! There is nothing in this world that I want more than to visit the love of my life again (Maui). I am obsessed and have been for 5 years!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Fun Meme
My friend Dawn had this on her page, read this and please answer it for me, and put it on your page, too!
1. Your Middle Name:
2. Age:3. Single or Taken:
4. Favorite Movie:
5. Favorite Song:
6. Favorite Band/Artist:
7. Dirty or Clean:
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:
HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...
1. Do we know each other in real life?
2. What’s your philosophy on life?
3. Would you have my back in a fight?
4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
5. What is your favorite memory of us?
6. Would you give me a kidney?
7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?
9. Can we get together and make a cake?
10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately?
11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me?
12. Do you think I'm a good person?
13. Would you drive across country with me?
14. Do you think I'm attractive?
15. If you could change anything about me, would you?
16. What do you wear to sleep?
17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?
18. Would you go on a date with me if I asked you?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
20. Will you repost this in your blog for me to answer for you (or email it to me if you don't have a blog)?
1. Your Middle Name:
2. Age:3. Single or Taken:
4. Favorite Movie:
5. Favorite Song:
6. Favorite Band/Artist:
7. Dirty or Clean:
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings:
HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...
1. Do we know each other in real life?
2. What’s your philosophy on life?
3. Would you have my back in a fight?
4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
5. What is your favorite memory of us?
6. Would you give me a kidney?
7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?
9. Can we get together and make a cake?
10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately?
11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me?
12. Do you think I'm a good person?
13. Would you drive across country with me?
14. Do you think I'm attractive?
15. If you could change anything about me, would you?
16. What do you wear to sleep?
17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?
18. Would you go on a date with me if I asked you?
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together?
20. Will you repost this in your blog for me to answer for you (or email it to me if you don't have a blog)?
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday Thirteen

I got this idea from my friend Dena's blog. The idea is to write thirteen things you love/hate about something. Read mine, and then try it on your page.
Thirteen things I love/hate about being Jaxon's Mom.
1. I LOVE Jaxon's adorable smile. He smiles at me quite a bit, and it is exciting to know that seeing my face brings him joy!
2. I LOVE sleeping with him snuggled up beside me. I always said I would never have my baby sleep with me, but I am so glad I did. It is one of the best parts of being a Mom, and to think that I coulda missed out!
3. I HATE the idea that my husband doesn't even have a clue what goes into being a full-time Mom with no childcare and working 30 hours a week at night. It really sucks to work 2 or 3 nights in a row and get between 3-4 hours of sleep during the day and not get any understanding from him!
4. I LOVE buying cute clothes for Jaxon and putting them on him. Clothes don't make the baby, but my baby sure does make the clothes cuter!
5. I LOVE being able to share my experience as a Mom with my friends who already had kids. I am now a part of the MOMMY Club!
6. I HATE my new worry wart status. I worry about things that definitely don't make any sense and think about things that I never did before.
7. I HATE that I can't relive all of the time that Jaxon and I have had together. He is so precious right now, but his newborn days are gone and I wish I could hit rewind and live those special days over and over again! I would love to relive the day he was born over and over and over, too! That would be totally awesome!
8. I LOVE looking forward to sharing his life as he continues to grow and change!
9. I HATE that my Mom has to be so far away from us. It would be so wonderful if she were closer, because it would be so much fun for Jaxon to be able to see her more frequently!
10. I HATE leaving him. It makes me so sad when I have to leave my little man to go to work. I am glad I work at night and he sleeps through most of the time I am away, but it is still sad for me. It is also good that Brady is the one I leave him with--he is a great Dad, and does great with Jaxon.
11. I LOVE taking pictures of him and sharing them with the world via Jaxon's world. It is fun to update his page and see what other people think.
12. I LOVE working on his scrapbook. I can't relive the time that we have shared, but I can remember it with the scrapbook.
13. And the best for last . . . I LOVE JAXON!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Trip to Colorado

My In-laws (Bill & Brenda) have invited us to go to Colorado with them in September. How very cool! We will go to Bill's oncology appointment where I just know he will get good news, and then they are taking us to the mountains to stay in a cabin and visit Breckenridge. I am sooooooo excited!! Can you believe that I grew up in Wyoming and have never been to Breckenridge?! It will be fun. We will play lots of cards, and just have a great time!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Football Season
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Life is Fragile!

I got a call from my friend Gina with bad news. Our friend Regina passed away suddenly! She was only 33 years old and a mother of two. Her kids are only 22 months old and 7 years old. It is such a shock to me, and is really bothering me. What a tragedy!! We lose a friend, but her babies have lost so much. They have recently lost their Grandmother (she is in a nursing home with a severe brain injury) and now to lose their Mommy at such a young age. Life is so fragile and can end so quickly! Regina would have done everything to stay with her beautiful children and the only thing that can be healing her pain is Jesus's love in heaven--nothing else could help make being away from her babies even close to acceptible! I wonder, how can heaven be heaven to a mother, when she knows her children need her on earth and she can't be there with them!
My page!
I decided it was time to get my own blog! I have Jaxon's World to share his life with people, but I have other things to share that just don't fit! I think this will be fun!