Tuesday, December 19, 2006


A, B, C, D, E, F . . .Sing play along now.

A - Age: 35

B -Band listening to Right now--None

C - Career future: Have to wait and see (when Jaxon is in school)

D - Dad's name: Gerald and Gene

E - Easiest person to talk to: Jill

F - Favorite song: I have too many to name

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears

H - Hometown: Newcastle, Wy

I - Instruments: I can play Piano and Saxophone

J - Job: Pediatric Home Health Nurse

K - Kids: Jaxon

L - Longest car ride ever: 9 hour car ride with Jaxon (6months) Tanner (18 months) and Jada (4) They all cried for a large portion of the trip!!

M - Mom's name: Judy

N - Number of Nieces & Nephews: 5

P - Phobia[s]: Is there a phobia for losing your child? That would be mine!

Q - Quote: C'est La Vie (This is life)

R - Reason to smile: Jaxon's first Christmas

S - Song you sang last: It's A Marshmallow World

T - Time you wake up: Whenever Jaxon does (usually between 7-9)

U - Unknown fact about me: I hate possums!

V - Vegetable you hate: Lima Beans

W - Worst habit: being messy

X - X-rays you've had: I've had Cancer . . enough said!

Y - Yummy food: Prime Rib

Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus

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