I knew my life would change when I had a baby, but what I didn't realize was how much I would enjoy some of the little changes. Today, I called my best friend, Jill, to dish about diapers! We actually discussed them at length for at least 10 minutes and enjoyed every minute of it! I love my new priorities! Gone are the days of staying out all night, doing things I wish I hadn't, and worrying about what I was doing on a Friday night. Jaxon and Brady are my focus. I spend my time planning meals, finding bargains on baby stuff and playing with my baby. I have a lot of good memories of my single days, but there is nothing better than a morning in bed with my hubby and my baby, as we ooh and ahh over our sweet bundle of joy, or a day at home playing with Jaxon and watching football. It is also great to be able to share these things with Jill & Jessica, and know that we are all enjoying the same simple pleasures. We have grown together, and our friendships grow and mature as we grow as individuals! I love my life. It isn't perfect, and my marriage definitely has it's flaws, but there is no where else I'd rather be!
1 comment:
I'm really happy for you, Jen.
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