1. I love the beautiful beaches! The sand is almost white, and the water is crystal blue!
2. I love the beautiful trees! Palm trees, banyon trees, and plumeria trees to name a few!
3. I love the Geckos! They are so little and oh so very cute, and they run about everywhere!
4. I love the Weather! It is cool in the morning, and nice and warm in the afternoon! There is also lots of rain in between.
5. I love the Macadamia Pancakes & Cocomut Syrup! They are to die for! I ate them almost every morning I was there.
6. I love the Macadamia Nut Ice Cream! It is a Haagen Daz product, and only available in a few areas in the world (so I can't get it here)!
7. I love the Warm Water! It is awesome, because it isn't so cold like the coast of California.
8. I love the fresh seafood! Mahi Mahi
9. I hate that it is so far away! It takes 6 hours to get form CA to Hawaii, and that is one LONG time in a little bitty airplane seat that sits straight up!
10. I hate that it is so expensive to get there! What a drag that it takes about a thousand bucks per person before you consider spending money!
11. I hate that I don't live there! I really would like to move there someday, or tomorrow!
12. I love the fresh fruit! Mangos, Pineapples, coconuts--yummy, yummy!
13. I love themixed drinks--the Mai Tai's and Pina Colada's were out of this world!
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