Monday, September 07, 2009


I have a major complaint with the way some Republicans are treating the President of this country. I find their behavior appalling! My parents raised me to treat others with respect. They didn't teach me to respect only those people with whom I agree, but to respect all people! Until recently, I believed that this was the norm in our society. This is no longer the case! People are accusing our president of trying to brainwash our children, destroy our country and are calling him things that are far from respectful!

A lot of the people who are guilty of this behavior claim to be strong Christians! Where in the bible did Jesus teach this type of behavior. Even when Jesus was being tried by Pilate, he was respectful. The only harsh words he used against those he disagreed was hypocrite! I am saddened by the lack of respect in our country today. If people can't even show a little respect for our leaders, what is next? Has common courtesy and respect been replaced with judgmentalism and self-serving behaviors. JFK once said, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. If we would all do more for each other and the country, instead of sitting back and bashing those who are trying to improve our country, we would all be better off!

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