Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fortune Cookie

Here it is . . the answer to everybody's prayers! It is an online fortune cookie.

Check it out and come back and tell me what your fortune said. I am and have always been obsessed with fortune cookies. There have been many times that I opened fortune cookies until I got one that satisfied me. This time, I only tried it once, and my fortune was.

Joy comes from a long forgotten friend

This didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, but it was good all the same. The things I really want right now are mo $$, and a guarantee that I will get prego again when I want to. If it was as simple as a fortune cookie, I would buy a case of them and everybody's dreams would come true!!


Jennifer said...

Okay, I couldn't resist- I did open 2 more cookies.

Do not waste your days in trying to prolong them. and

You are going to have a very comfortable old age.

I really like the second one! I do want to live to be old!

Dawn Allenbach said...

"If you wish it enough, it will happen."

I think that's pretty appropriate for me. Don't you?

Jennifer said...

Yours should say, "If you want it enough, it will happen" You make your dreams come true with hard work and dedication--just look at you now, where you live, your school, and all the neato things you can do!