Monday, January 14, 2008


That is one word that describes how I feel about life right now! I am a bit overwhelmed with all that is going on. Postpardum hormonal changes, a frustrated Jaxon, a sick baby, financial stress & sleep deprivation have really been challenging!

Evervbody told me how different it is to have 2 chidren, but I didn't get it! Yes, there is twice as much fun, love, and work; but what shocked me are my new worry levels. I am a nervous nelly. and it is worse with 2! I worry about Jaxon, who has been struggling with all the changes. He has had to endure my two hospital stays, as well as the new baby and all of the time I have to take care of him. And of course I worry about Bradyn and his health. My paranoia took me on an e.r run last night. Luckily all was well, but I had to make sure! When Bradyn was hospitalized, the only symptom was nasal congestion, and last night his cough was worse and he was vomiting. I just knew he was developing pneumonia. Scarey!

About the financial stress- there are SO many people that are really struggling with money right now, and I know it has a lot to do with the economy. WHO in their right mind would want another republican in the white house right now. NOT ME! I support Hillary all the way! She has great plans, and she has the power & the intelligence to get it done! Go Hillary!

That's my life. . . . worthy of it's own spot in an amusement park-a wild rollercoaster! Lots of high points, but some lows to make it crazy!

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