Sunday, October 05, 2008

Children left alone to die in a hospital!

Jill Stanek's Story

My name is Jill Stanek. In 1999, I discovered that Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, where I worked as a labor and delivery nurse, was leaving babies who survived induced labor abortions to die in the soiled utility room.
I personally held one of these infants 45 minutes until he gasped his last breath.
When I explained my experience to hospital administrators, they refused to stop their horrific treatment of these infants.
After going public, my story immediately grabbed the attention of legislators and media, which resulted in the introduction of the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
Christ Hospital fired me in August 2001 for reasons related to my public statements.
I testified before Barack Obama in the Illinois Senate Judiciary Committee and Health and Human Services Committee as well as the US House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.
On August 5, 2002, I joined President George W. Bush for his signing of the federal version of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.

"Christ" hospital has a lot of changes to make before being able to live up to their name. I am appalled that any decent human being could let this happen. I cannot fathom throwing a whole, breathing child into a utility room and left to die. I don't think there is a pro-choice individual out there who can say that this is OK? If you are one of those people, please comment and if you know somebody who can possibly see this from another perspective, send them over! I pray that there are no hospitals out there that are still doing this. If there are, I want to visit that dirty utility room and steal a few babies and give them the treatment necessary to live.

I don't think this kind of thing is still legal, but if it is . . My thoughts for pro-life staff at places like this. TAKE the babies while they are still alive. Rush them to another hospital and get treatment for them. If you aren't comfortable doing this yourself, call a pro-life volunteer and have them do it. If they are charged with kidnapping, the door is opened. NOW, the hospital staff can all be charged with murder.

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