Wednesday, September 24, 2008

HOW do I vote in the Election?

Obama-seems to have good plans, but I don't like that he has voted "present" more times than actually voting yes or no.

Biden--Def. don't want Biden for president! And considering that there are a lot of racist psychotics out there that can't handle having a black man as president, that is a possibility.

McCain--not sure of his plans, and def not to happy with the republicans right now!

Palin- amazing, strong woman, but a little too conservative. Who ever heard of making the rape victim pay for their rape kit?!


Dawn Allenbach said...

Palin scares the hell out of me, especially in the way she thinks she can handle foreign relations but has only ever met a couple of dignitaries and has only been out of the country once in her ENTIRE life. She can handle foreign relations because Alaska is neighbors with Russia? *faints* And I would think her pregnant kid should show her that teaching only abstinence for sex ed DOES NOT work. AND she's trying to get out of having a vice-presidential debate? The more I listen to her, the more I cringe.

And McCain? Grrrrrr! So many irritations, so little space to type them.

Jennifer said...

I was hoping you would comment on this and you are so right! Can you imagine how many pregnant teens we would have if there was no education on birth control?!

Dawn Allenbach said...

The vice-presidential debate is tomorrow night. Don't forget to watch!

Did you watch last week's presidential debate?