Friday, June 22, 2007

December 20, 2007

I am getting the coolest early Christmas present this year! I went to my first O.B appointment this week, and we decided on an Induction date already!! I Love it! After she heard about how quickly my labor progressed with Jaxon, she asked if I was up for an induction--and of course I said YES!

I have the best doctor in the world! She is friendly, sincere, and very cautious. I had some spotting, and found out there was bleeding behind the placenta. My doctor has been on top of the situation, with lifting restrictions, and frequest ultrasounds to make sure things are ok! I havent' been able to work for 2 1/2 weeks, and won't be able to work until at least the first week in July. It is challenging to follow the lifting restrictions, and I am looking forward to having a paycheck again soon, but am willing to do whatever it takes to protect this baby!

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