Monday, October 30, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Life Has Changed!

I knew my life would change when I had a baby, but what I didn't realize was how much I would enjoy some of the little changes. Today, I called my best friend, Jill, to dish about diapers! We actually discussed them at length for at least 10 minutes and enjoyed every minute of it! I love my new priorities! Gone are the days of staying out all night, doing things I wish I hadn't, and worrying about what I was doing on a Friday night. Jaxon and Brady are my focus. I spend my time planning meals, finding bargains on baby stuff and playing with my baby. I have a lot of good memories of my single days, but there is nothing better than a morning in bed with my hubby and my baby, as we ooh and ahh over our sweet bundle of joy, or a day at home playing with Jaxon and watching football. It is also great to be able to share these things with Jill & Jessica, and know that we are all enjoying the same simple pleasures. We have grown together, and our friendships grow and mature as we grow as individuals! I love my life. It isn't perfect, and my marriage definitely has it's flaws, but there is no where else I'd rather be!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Most Interesting Dream

I want to share one of the most interesting dreams I ever had. In my dream, I was a young teenage girl living sometime in the 1800's. I was wearing a long printed cotton dress and black boots wtih funny fasteners on them. I was at a church event with my mother and several siblings. The church was one large room with a very high vaulted ceiling. There were lots of adults and children running around and there was a large table in the center of the room where a meal was being served. I was running around playing with the children, when I decided it would be fun to show the kids how I could fly. In order for me to fly, I had to focus really hard and make myself feel giddy-happy, and then I could take off and fly around the room. All of the kids thought it was really neat. I tried to give the little kids rides while I flew, but was unsuccessful. I was not able to keep the giddy-happy feeling while giving them rides because of concern for their safety. My mother caught me flying and kept trying to pull me down. She was very upset because people would think I was a witch (which was very serious at that time). What a bizarre dream!! I really felt like somebody else in another time period . . . WHAT does this dream mean???