Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Book meme

I found this book meme on a blog, and just had to do it! Here goes!

1. Grab the book closest to you.
2. Open to page 123, go down to the fifth sentence
3. Post the text of next 3 sentences on your blog
4. Name of the book and the author
5. Tag three people

A while ago, we met a single mother with two little boys and one little girl. She used a different strategy for dealing with restaurant rampages. Susie was having a very bad evening, so bad that she began spreading mashed potatoes into her hair and yelling "Yucky Tatoes, Yucky Tatoes".

This book is Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood by Jim Fay & Charles Fay PhD. (Go figure).

I Tag Dawn, Dena and Gina!

A, B, C, D, E, F . . .Sing play along now.

A - Age: 35

B -Band listening to Right now--None

C - Career future: Have to wait and see (when Jaxon is in school)

D - Dad's name: Gerald and Gene

E - Easiest person to talk to: Jill

F - Favorite song: I have too many to name

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Bears

H - Hometown: Newcastle, Wy

I - Instruments: I can play Piano and Saxophone

J - Job: Pediatric Home Health Nurse

K - Kids: Jaxon

L - Longest car ride ever: 9 hour car ride with Jaxon (6months) Tanner (18 months) and Jada (4) They all cried for a large portion of the trip!!

M - Mom's name: Judy

N - Number of Nieces & Nephews: 5

P - Phobia[s]: Is there a phobia for losing your child? That would be mine!

Q - Quote: C'est La Vie (This is life)

R - Reason to smile: Jaxon's first Christmas

S - Song you sang last: It's A Marshmallow World

T - Time you wake up: Whenever Jaxon does (usually between 7-9)

U - Unknown fact about me: I hate possums!

V - Vegetable you hate: Lima Beans

W - Worst habit: being messy

X - X-rays you've had: I've had Cancer . . enough said!

Y - Yummy food: Prime Rib

Z - Zodiac sign: Taurus

Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday Five: 5 Christmas Gifts I bought this Year!
1. MP3 Player
2. TMX Elmo
3. Rings
4. Books
5. Bratz

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

10 on Tuesday

Ten Things I want for Christmas

1. MP3 Player

2. Crocs (black)

3. Velour Sweatsuit

4. Lotion

5. Slippers

6. Candy

7. books

8. Sweats

9. Yarn

10. Yummy bath stuff

Monday, December 11, 2006

Christmas Tree

We finally decorated for Christmas! My tree isn't perfect, but I was pleased with the bow! I have never successfully made a bow like that before and am excited that it turned out!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Pity Party!

I think it is time for a pity party! In a perfect world I could spend the evening alone on the couch in a CLEAN house and eat pizza and Chocolate Frownie's (maybe some Ice Cream too), Drink Egg Nog (spiked) and watch all my Fav Chic Flicks! All are invited to attend in spirit only! :o)

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things I hate about my world right now!!
(borrowed from Dena, cuz I can relate)

1. NO Money, Need MO Money!
2. Fighting with Brady!
3. Still Sick!
4. Work 3 in a row with NO relief for SLEEP!
5. Fighting with Brady (yep, still bugs me)
6. Tired . . . too much so to truly appreciate my day with Jaxon!
7. My House is a MESS!
8. Time for me? What is that? I don't even get time to sleep!
9. Brady is a SLOB!
10. Don't even have Christmas Decorations up! Been Sick, haven't had time to do it myself
11. I am the only one who cares that we have no Christmas Decorations up!
13. We are going to try for Baby #2--dreading the anticipated disappointment every time nothing happens!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Laryngitis Sux!!

I have not had a voice for 3 days! I have lost my voice before, but it is absolutely horrid this time! Never before has my voice been as important as it is now! I hadn't realized just how important it is these days! I can't read stories to Jaxon and most importantly I can't sing to him! He loves it when I sing to him, therefore I usually sing A LOT! I sing to him to calm him down while getting him dressed, I sing to him when I am putting him to sleep, I sing fun songs throughout the day, and I sing to keep him calm in the car! It really bothers me that I can't sing our songs. I did read him a couple of little books, and he smiled SO big! I know he misses my voice and there is nothing I can do about it!!
Holiday Favorites
What is your favorite Christmas traditionI like picking out my china place setting at Christmas dinner!
What food do you love to make for Christmas?I love to make Chex Mix!
What food do you love to eat at Christmas?I love to eat Chex mix and pecan brickle!
What is your favorite Christmas memory?It has to be getting my barbie townhouse!
Where do you like to celebrate Christmas?I like to be at home in Newcastle at my Mom & Dads!
What is your Christmas pet peeve?Greedy people who ask for huge gifts and are never excited about what they do get :o[
Do you have a traditional meal on Christmas eve?Yes, oyster stew and cheese soup (for the ones who don't like oysters)
Do you have a traditional meal on Christmas Morning?Yes, breakfast souffle and swedish tea ring
Does Santa still fill stockings at your house?Yes! And it is so much fun!
Do you have an easy Christmas recipe to share with less than 4 ingredients?Cake Mix Cookies Cake Mix 2 eggs, 1/2 cup oil and whatever you want to add. Bake at 350 for 8-10 min!
Decorations? Do you go all out, or just put up a tree?Sometimes I go all out, sometimes I am lucky if I get a tree up!


Friday, December 01, 2006

Most Coveted Toy!

I will never forget how jealous I was when Santa brought this for my cousin, Jill! I thought it was the greatest toy ever! Even now, it still looks pretty cool to me! Lord, please give me a daughter who likes Barbies so I can play them again!!!

Long Lost Dream!

Wow! I found this on ebay last night while feeding Jaxon! It brings back such good memories of childhood and Christmas! I had one just like this! There is truly nothing you can't find on Ebay! If only my pocketbook was as deep as the endless possibilities there! I would absolutely love to spend some time with my beloved townhouse and countless other toys from my childhood! I challenge you to find a pic of your favorite childhood toy and share it!